14 August 2009

EGO ALERT: Ourstage.com nominates Ra the MC for MTV VMA Best Breakout Artist!!!!

Media Contact

Sasha Vann
Sasha Vann, Public Relations

***********************For Immediate Release***********************
Ourstage.com nominates Ra the MC for MTV VMA Best Breakout Artist!!!!
DC nominee to perform for VMA headlining acts, Director of MTV music and talent at Six Flags

(August 14th, 2009) - Out of the 170 D.C. artists that entered the contest, Ra the MC stood at the head of the nomination line, being one of three D.C. artists left standing for Ourstage.com's MTV's Best Breakout Artist.

Ra will perform at MTV's VMA concert at Six Flags in Bowie MD alongside the top 20 nominees with artists hailing from various cities across the country such as Atlanta, Philadelphia, and Portland. The judges panel which include:

VMA Headlining Acts -All Time Low,
The White Tie Affair
and MTV’s Director of Music & Talent, Tuma Basa;

will decide a winner to feature on the premiering of the 2009 Video Music Awards. MTV will then debut the winning artist during the live VMAs locally on Comcast Sunday September 13th and showcased nationally on MTV2’s Rail N Rock or Sucker Free!

Visit Ourstage.com for more on how to get tickets to the MTV VMA concert at Six Flags and watch Ra perform her nomination track "Nikki Boy" produced by Judah! While you're at it, join Ra the MC's fan club on Ourstage.com. Support your own!

Ra will also be performing at Expo nightclub in Washington, DC later that evening along with the cast of the Generation NEXT tour.


OurStage.com: http://www.ourstage.com/home
MTV DC Breakout Artist site: http://www.ourstage.com/go/mtv2dc
Ra The MC fan club page on Ourstage.com: http://www.ourstage.com/fanclub/rathemc
Nominee track for Ra the MC "Nikki Boy": http://www.ourstage.com/play/track/VNCAISHBPCSC-nikki-boy
Six Flags ticket site: http://www.sixflags.com/america/events/MTVVMATour.aspx
Ra The MC website: http://www.rathemc.com/
Judah Myspace page: http://www.myspace.com/judahbeats

####################End of Release######################

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Sasha Vann, Public Relations
Twitter: http://twitter.com/OrganicDC_rap
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SashaVann


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