30 August 2009

The Circus Invades U Street---Sept. 19th

This is going to be crazy!!!! Lincoln Theatre and 4 clubs poppin at the same time?!? C'mon now...Get there.

20 August 2009

Heineken - Red Star Soul with Judah

14 August 2009

EGO ALERT: Ourstage.com nominates Ra the MC for MTV VMA Best Breakout Artist!!!!

Media Contact

Sasha Vann
Sasha Vann, Public Relations

***********************For Immediate Release***********************
Ourstage.com nominates Ra the MC for MTV VMA Best Breakout Artist!!!!
DC nominee to perform for VMA headlining acts, Director of MTV music and talent at Six Flags

(August 14th, 2009) - Out of the 170 D.C. artists that entered the contest, Ra the MC stood at the head of the nomination line, being one of three D.C. artists left standing for Ourstage.com's MTV's Best Breakout Artist.

Ra will perform at MTV's VMA concert at Six Flags in Bowie MD alongside the top 20 nominees with artists hailing from various cities across the country such as Atlanta, Philadelphia, and Portland. The judges panel which include:

VMA Headlining Acts -All Time Low,
The White Tie Affair
and MTV’s Director of Music & Talent, Tuma Basa;

will decide a winner to feature on the premiering of the 2009 Video Music Awards. MTV will then debut the winning artist during the live VMAs locally on Comcast Sunday September 13th and showcased nationally on MTV2’s Rail N Rock or Sucker Free!

Visit Ourstage.com for more on how to get tickets to the MTV VMA concert at Six Flags and watch Ra perform her nomination track "Nikki Boy" produced by Judah! While you're at it, join Ra the MC's fan club on Ourstage.com. Support your own!

Ra will also be performing at Expo nightclub in Washington, DC later that evening along with the cast of the Generation NEXT tour.


OurStage.com: http://www.ourstage.com/home
MTV DC Breakout Artist site: http://www.ourstage.com/go/mtv2dc
Ra The MC fan club page on Ourstage.com: http://www.ourstage.com/fanclub/rathemc
Nominee track for Ra the MC "Nikki Boy": http://www.ourstage.com/play/track/VNCAISHBPCSC-nikki-boy
Six Flags ticket site: http://www.sixflags.com/america/events/MTVVMATour.aspx
Ra The MC website: http://www.rathemc.com/
Judah Myspace page: http://www.myspace.com/judahbeats

####################End of Release######################

*******CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: This communication contains information belonging to EGO Marketing and Branding as constructed by Sasha Vann, which is confidential. The information is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of said information is strictly prohibited.*******

Sasha Vann, Public Relations
Twitter: http://twitter.com/OrganicDC_rap
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SashaVann

12 August 2009

Changing the channel- “Where’s the Remote?”

Changing the channel- “Where’s the Remote?”

Members of BET’s “Hell Date” to bring LA show to Durham

(August 12th 2009)- Keep the comedy going! And it doesn’t stop. Members of BET's season one of “Hell Date” made sure that their audience continues to laugh, regardless of the situation.

“Where’s the Remote” is a hilarious sketch comedy that spoofs some of your favorite people and ideas on television. Rising in popularity in both Los Angeles and London, the show is growing to eventually be the next Mad TV. Simone Shepherd, executive producer, decided to bring the show to the campus of N.C. Central University for familial reasons.

“We’ve been doing this show all over L.A. and London,” said Shepherd. "I just wanted to take it to NCCU because my [theatrical] roots are there.”

Performing line-up includes Simone Shepherd, Pierre Antonio, Zaianb Johnson and Keedar Whittle, all most known for their unexpectedly wild blind date roles on “Hell Date”, which premiered on BET in July 2007. Also joining the crew is up and coming DJ Printz Paul who is gaining familiarity across the LA club circuit.

Created by Ghetto Girl Productions along with Bull City Productions and NCCU’s TOP-CAT Program, the show is catered to suit all audiences.

Check out “Where’s the Remote?” on August 21st, 22nd and 23rd at the theatre in the Farrison-Newton Communication Bldg on the campus of NCCU. Advanced tickets are $20. General admission is $25 while student tickets are only $10.

Show times for Friday and Saturday begin at 8pm. Show begins at 3pm on Sunday.

****About Simone Shepherd: Simone started her career early as a little girl with the Pittsburgh Play House. Born Simone Shepherd in Pittsburg, PA, her family felt certain she would succeed. Upon moving to Raleigh, NC, knowing the potential that she expressed on stage, she was immediately cast as a member in the world renowned Carolina Theater Troop. Simone excelled, and that set the tone for the next several years of her life. Cast as Angel, in Pearl Cleage's play "The Blues for Alabama Skies" with the NCCU Theatre department is when she finally she honed her skills as a serious actress. Simone graduated with a BA in theater from NCCU in 2004. Simone has appeared in numerous commercials, sitcoms, and films in Los Angles, CA where she is currently pursing her career. She is most recognized for her role as one of the series regulars on BET hit show, "Hell Date". Simone recently completed a film with a starring role entitled "Ton of Love." She is also starring in the E! channels new show "Reality Hell" which premiers Aug 16th, 2009. Simone loves acting but she has also started a production company called Ghetto Girls Productions with her business partner, Zainab Johnson, and the two are currently producing and writing on two major projects.****


Ghetto Girl Productions: facebook.com/ghettogirlsproductions

Season 1 "Hell Date" website (BET): http://www.bet.com/OnTV/BETShows/helldate/

Simone Shepherd facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/simoneshepherd1

DJ Printz Paul MySpace page: http://www.myspace.com/printzpaul

N.C. Central University directions: http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&q=nc%20central%20university&sa=N&tab=wl&um=1

##############################End of Release##########################

*******CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: This communication contains information belonging to EGO Marketing and Branding as constructed by Sasha Vann, which is confidential. The information is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of said information is strictly prohibited.*******

Sasha Vann, Public Relations
Twitter: http://twitter.com/OrganicDC_rap
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SashaVann

M1 Platoon x University of Maryland = LIVE RADIO PERFORMANCE!!!!

(photo courtesy of Mitch LaGrow)

Media Contact

Sasha Vann
Sasha Vann, Public Relations

**************************For Immediate Release*************************

M1 Platoon x University of Maryland = LIVE RADIO PERFORMANCE!!!!
Generation NEXT artists perform on live podcast for WUMC 88.1 FM

(August 12th, 2009)- Technology is one of the best things that man could have created next to chaos. University of Maryland's WUMC 88.1 on the FM dial made sure that all those who missed "The Circus" at Expo on Saturday night got a chance to put their hand in on what is would be first dibs on the underground music circuit.

Preview M1 Platoon's live podcast performance of popular songs "So Fly" and "Put It On You Hard!"

The DMV hip-hop group will hit the stage once more with the Generation NEXT tour casts on August 29th at Expo. Special invited guests include Ra The MC and Lyriciss.

WUMC podcast location

Part 1 - http://tinyurl.com/wmucradio

Part 2 - http://tinyurl.com/wmucradio2

M1 Platoon:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/m1platoon
M1 Platoon blogspot: http://www.m1platoon.blogspot.com
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/m1_platoon
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/m1platoon
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com (search The M1 Platoon)
2DopeBoyz.com review of "So Fly" - http://2dopeboyz.okayplayer.com/2009/07/09/m1-platoon-so-fly-they-wondering/
"Put It On You Hard" z-share link: http://www.zshare.net/audio/55431165ace0ad07/"
Ra The MC website: http://www.rathemc.com/
Lyriciss website: http://www.lyriciss-dmv.com/
"The Circus" event listing: http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/blackplasticbag/2009/07/08/the-circus-expo/

############################End of Release############################

*******CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: This communication contains information belonging to EGO Marketing and Branding as constructed by Sasha Vann, which is confidential. The information is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of said information is strictly prohibited.*******

Sasha Vann, Public Relations
Twitter: http://twitter.com/OrganicDC_rap
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SashaVann

11 August 2009

EGO Memos presents NOTE TO SELF: Greenspan x Judah x DJ IBenzi x ILLRoots x ILLVibe- "When The Sky Turns Green" available for download

Media Contact
Sasha Vann
Sasha Vann, Public Relations

***********************For Immediate Release**************************

Greenspan x Judah x DJ IBenzi x ILLRoots x ILLVibe- "When The Sky Turns Green" available for download

(August 11th, 2009)---Despite having been released for a couple of hours, the drop date for Greenspan's
"When The Sky Turns Green" has been on watch since the decision was made to team up with some of the hottest in the game for an exclusive DMV monster project.

ILLroots.com and ILLvibes-dmv.blogspot.com along with other popular DMV music sites sponsored the presentation of the mixtape to the masses.

With most of the EP recorded in The Syence Lab, a studio owned and operated by Judah, the mixtape presents sounds from an assortment of producers with Judah's brand lying on 6 of the 12 tracks.

Check out the making of the track "Latitude" and watch as Judah and Greenspan develop music with hard-knock creativity.

Be moved immediately when you download "When the Sky Turns Green."

Greenspan mixtape: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=U7VU2N12
Only For the DMV-When the sky turns green" post:
Illroots.com site: http://illroots.com/
Illvibes.com site: http://illvibes-dmv.blogspot.com/
Greenspan Music Site: http://www.greenspanmusic.com/
Judah Myspace page: http://www.myspace.com/judahbeats
DJ Benzi site: http://www.djbenzi.com/ Making of "Latitude" YouTube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0apovTmdbo
#######################################End of Release########################################

*******CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: This communication contains information belonging to EGO Marketing and Branding as constructed by Sasha Vann, which is confidential. The information is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of said information is strictly prohibited.*******
Sasha Vann, Public Relations
Twitter: http://twitter.com/OrganicDC_rap
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SashaVann

Making of "Latitude" (produced by Judah)

04 August 2009

Get 'dubbed' as the one to want...like this guy

Media Contact
Sasha Vann
Sasha Vann, Public Relations


***************************For Immediate Release***************************

"Get 'dubbed' as the one to want...like this guy"
DMV Producer Judah gets in 10 Questions with FlawlessHustle.com

(August 4, 2009)- When you do more, people want to know more. And with the increasing activity of a born winner, staying in the know puts inquiring minds in first place as well.

Grey Goose's local rising icon Judah of Washington, DC took some time to drop a few jewels when interviewing with Dub MD of Flawless Hustle, sharing everything from his latest projects to his feelings on DMV music.

Between exclusive mix tape projects, producers conferences, erecting a label AND making his way as a finalist to join the cast of BET's "Rising Icons", this is one busy man. And he's more willing to talk than ever.

Got something you want to ask? For more information regarding press conference invites or interview arrangements with Judah, contact Sasha Vann (sasha.vann@gmail.com, 919.949.0206)


Judah's Myspace page: http://www.myspace.com/judahbeats
Judah's Twitter page: http://www.myspace.com/judahbeats

Take your crew to "The Circus"

Media Contact
Sasha Vann
Sasha Vann, Public Relations

************************For Immediate Release**************************

Take your crew to "The Circus"
Generation NEXT tour team up with One Vs. Many for musical extravaganza

(August 4, 2009)----Joining the circus might not be such a bad idea, eh?

With multiple acts such as the cast of the Generation NEXT tour (M1 Platoon, Carlitta Durand w/ Fat Snacks) and G5 Clive along with bands Sidewalk Chalk, the Fif and Stars Never Fall, who wouldn't want to be a part of one of the greatest shows on earth?

Sponsored by the multi-faceted media group One vs. Many, "The Circus" is an arrangement of various artist who demonstrate eclectic style and musical eccentrism. All artist on the circuit are independents who produce, distribute and market their own material to the masses.

Watch DC light up on August 8th! Whether you like rap, r&b, experimental bands or trapeze artist, it will be here. RSVP to "The Circus" now and check out dates for future shows!

August 8th
1928 9th Street NW
Washington DC, 20001
21+ //// $10
Show starts at 10pm

****For more information about "The Circus" and booking, contact Tyrone Norris (tyronenorris@gmail.com 202.286.1855)
****For booking the Generation NEXT tour, contact Joanna Hernandez (joannarh@gmail.com 301.408.9032)
****For publicity and press information for the Generation NEXT tour, contact Sasha Vann (sasha.vann@gmail.com, 919.949.0206)

One Vs. Many media outlets:
Carlitta Durand sites: http://www.myspace.com/missdurand
Crunc Telsa's "Welcome to The Circus" video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=103gk6W5ngE

#####################End of Release#######################

Sasha Vann, Public Relations